Spring Rolls with PB Sauce
Total Time
Calories: 106Protein: 6gCarbs: 16gFat: 1gFiber: 3g
- 1/2 cup PBfit Classic
- 1/4 - 1/2 cup water depending on desired consistency
- 1 tsp agave syrup
- 2 Tbsp rice vinegar
- 1 tsp sriracha sauce
- 1/2 Tbsp minced ginger
- 2 Tbsp coconut aminos
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1
Add the PBfit Classic, coconut aminos, ginger, garlic, vinegar, sriracha, and agave syrup to a small bowl or jar.
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Then whisk in the water slowly until the desired consistency has been reached. This peanut sauce tends to thicken up over time, so add more water as needed to thin.
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Taste and adjust as you'd like.
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Enjoy your Spring Rolls with PB Sauce!