Ninja Creami PB Banana Ice Cream

Ninja Creami PB Banana Ice Cream

Total Time
24 HR 0 MINS
Calories: 484Protein: 45gCarbs: 44gFat: 12gFiber: 6g


  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 1/4 cups fairlife whole milk
  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 cup PBfit Classic


  1. 1

    Add all ingredients into a blender and blend until well combined. Pour the mixture into a Ninja Creami pint until it reaches the max fill line.

  2. 2

    Freeze on a level surface for 24 hours. To avoid getting a bump on the top of the frozen mixture, freeze with the lid off the container.

  3. 3

    After 24 hours, remove the pint container from the freezer.

  4. 4

    Place the pint container into the outer bowl of the Ninja Creami and then process on LITE ICE CREAM.

  5. 5

    If the ice cream is dry or crumbly looking, pour in a tablespoon or two of milk and re-spin. You may have to repeat this process a couple of times.

  6. 6

    Remove the pint from the machine and enjoy your Ninja Creami PB Banana Ice Cream!